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“From the minute I put on my headphones, I instantly felt a different INSIDE my head! It was like my brain felt alive and in tune…in a way I’d never experienced. It was crazy. The most amazing part was, within the first week, I could absolutely tell a difference in what I was manifesting. I had attracted and closed two HUGE contracts! Cha-ching!”
Belle Gonzalez, Ashland, OR
“Using your frequencies has felt like the changing of the seasons…like from winter to spring…only it didn’t take months and months. I’ve got abundance popping up like flowers everywhere in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Jeremy Bryant, Los Angeles, CA
“When I first tried listening to your tracks, I was totally skeptical. Especially when I didn’t experience “instant” results in the first day or two. But I stuck it out, and I am so glad I did. Something powerful happened between week two and three. Relationships started getting deeper and more meaningful. My bank account started getting fatter. I had more energy. I even had friends ask what was up with me! I just smile and point to my headphones.”
Vanessa Sharone, Long Beach Island